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  • iStanGolf

Results Sat 14 May 2022

Very little was happening on the golf course for Stanthorpe golfers last weekend after the extremely wet week of rain finally took its toll on the course forcing the decision to close up shop and let the waters recede. Only ducks were able to get out on the fairways and quite a few of them were not to keen to venture onto the fairways.

A decision made on Friday to not allow carts onto the course until further notice also came into affect, some thought an excellent idea thus saving the coast guard the need to go out and rescue stranded golfers. For more devout golfers, social golf could still be played but no bodies were seen taking up this offer until later in the weekend.

The expected Saturday competition, the May monthly medal and putting comp was cancelled and hopefully will be played this coming Saturday when the course should be in a playable condition.

The first two rounds of the club championships which were to be played over the weekend were also put off with the decision made that the event will go ahead later in the year, sometime in August.

Stanthorpe Sporters golf was also impacted with no play on Sunday morning although a few hardy souls did venture out for a nine hole wade around the paddock. There was not a report about how these few fared but it was expected that they all managed to paddle their way back to the car park.

It was a disappointing weekend for golfers but hopefully the course will dry out in time during the week to allow competition to continue.

So next weekend will be the May monthly medal and for intending players, a drier course will be on offer. The time sheet for the day is on the board at the club. Intending players are reminded that the two tee hit off is still on and that play commences at the earlier winter time of 11.00 am. Hopefully we’ll get some golf in next weekend.

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